Saving Issue & Leveling Up (I MADE A MISTAKE)

Quick Update:

as I made an oversight when it comes to saving data as cash and money did not carry over so unfortunately if you saved your data before I added today's update (6/20) then I apologize. I'll try to not let that happen again but 

I added a leveling system to the auto button and player which you can see if you press the cash icon right above your points.

I wanted your levels to save, but I made a mistake with the previous saving system so I had to change things. This shouldn't happen again in the future, but if it does I will have a server set up before then hopefully with a leaderboard so your score is archived at least.

I will also look to see if I can revert this issue because scores should still be saved on your cache under a different name from the save file name I'm using going forward (Might take a week though sorry I was quickly trying to do this before work and I stayed up late my bad) 

EDIT: Nevermind I fixed it everyone's scores from before today's update are saved and level upgrades will save as well. You will see money at 0 but that is only because the money before was not its own variable it was always just your score/100 (LOL OOPS), but now it is its own variable and you can spend it to level up the auto button and player attack as of right now.

I appreciate your patience and let me know if you spot an issue THANK YOU!

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8 days ago


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